Fantastic pawn shop! Professional staff with excellent prices. Highly recommended.
— Joel M. Facebook Review
I have been doing business with Kendale Pawn Shop since the early 80's, there are none better. The staff is friendly and knowledgable. I enjoy browsing around hoping to find items that I need or don't yet have. Thanks folks.
— William M. Facebook Review
Great place to do business. Great group of people to interact with. Everyone is so friendly. All of them make you feel so welcome to be there
— Josh S. Facebook Review
Man was i glade to find Kendale Pawn. They are some awesome people there. I was looking for one gun but come out with two. They really have some good deals
— Chad Deal
Same story went in looking for a marlin 30-30 I was ready to spend around 500 for one but got a 10/22 and the 30-30 for that I've been back since great place to buy from.
— Thomas Wow
Johnny and his staff contiNue to show their true professionalism...they go that extra mile to give the best service possible... I have bought several guns from them and will continue to be a loyal customer because of the attention to detail and common courtesy...They really have a vast knowledge for what they sell and are willing to work with their customers...It is easy to become friends with people of this caliber..Thank you Kendale Pawn.
— Satisfied Customer
Very knowledgeable about guns...excellent service...great staff...Love to do business with these caliber of people.
— Joseph Baker